Hexagonal Jars

A range of hex shaped, high-quality glass jars made in Britain.

Hexagonal jars are a traditional type of jar and favoured amongst many.

Our established range of high-quality, British made "hex" jars includes the following sizes: 45ml, 55ml, 110ml, 8oz and 12oz.

The smaller sizes of the range; the 45ml & 55ml, are ideal for one-off portions in B&B's, cafes and holiday cottages.

The larger 110ml, 8oz or 12oz jars are practical for any home-based jam maker or if you're in the business of selling preserves, marmalades and jams commercially in shops, via a stall or online.

When you order through our website, gold lids are supplied as standard and included in the price.

Twist-off lids are easy to use and contain a hermetic seal. The lids are lined with a plastic coating making them suitable for use with vinegar and other substances that would otherwise cause corrosion. These jars are suitable for hot-fill and cold-fill recipes.

  • Hexagonal design for easier grip.
  • Glass is 100% recyclable.
  • Reusable - Grab a jar and go to the refilling station.
  • Full range of sizes from 45ml to 12oz.
  • Metal lids with a hermetic seal.

 For specific jar measurements, please click on each jar's "code ref" in the price matrix below.

45HEX is currently out of stock.

Hexagonal Jars
View All Prices
from £27.55 All Prices ex VAT

All of our jars are supplied with gold lids as standard and unless specifically stated. You do not need to buy lids unless you require extra.

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