Write-On Grip-Seal Bags

Clear grip-seal bags with a write-on panel are ideal for labelling and identifying products easily and safely. Practical and a cost-effective choice for many scenarios (your tool shed or laboratory will never be unorganised again!).

Clear plastic grip-seal bags made from 200 gauge polythene. These bags are an ideal method of packaging products for retail or for storing and grouping items in relation to the medical, construction or engineering professions where small and delicate items may need to be kept out of moisture and away from dirt or dust. These bags have white panels on the front which can be written on; very handy for labelling and identifying the contents of the bag for both functional and safety reasons. We have a carefully refined selection available ranging from tiny to extra-large!

Write-On Grip-Seal Bags
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from £3.51All Prices ex VAT

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