Handheld Heat Sealers

Practical for sealing plastic products. Crimp seal design available, great for gusseted display bags.

Portable, easy to carry heat sealer for heat-sealing plastics including polypropylene, polythene or cellophane. These smaller handheld heat sealers are commonly implemented when working with clear plastic display bags (often gusseted) that are widely used when packaging items such as tobacco, children’s trading cards, crisp packets, chocolate wrappers or sweets, fudge and candy. Although from the outlook they both look visually identical, we have two different designs: plain and crimped.

Crimped Seal: Efficient and reliable this device is popularly used with polypropylene bags and provides a crimped seal which is often considered a more effective and reliable seal (reinforced integrity). The crimped seal consists of a 15mm wide, multiple-lined seal that is stronger and more resilient to breaking or tearing by accident. Again this device is suitable for working with bags with a maximum width of 150mm.

Handheld Heat Sealers
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from £74.15All Prices ex VAT

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