Latex Powder-Free Gloves - Blue

Latex gloves without a powder coating and therefore practical and highly suitable for food applications.

Blue, powder-free latex gloves are an effective solution for working in various trades and industries. Being powder-free, they are particularly popular in the food processing and food retail industries. Although hand insertion is not facilitated by powder, these powder-free gloves are still really easy to put on and remove, and will offer added protection and hygiene.

Attributes include:

  • Fit like a second skin
  • Have a high level of touch sensitivity
  • Are good for wearing for an extended amount of time
  • Work well for high-risk situations involving infectious material
  • Are cost-effective
  • Are very elastic and strong
  • Are biodegradable
  • Powder-free
  • Blue colour for easy identification

The main benefits of powder-free gloves are:

  • Powder can be an irritant.
  • Powder can promote allergies – most commonly because the powder absorbs latex proteins, and the powder becomes airborne when the gloves are ‘snapped’ on.
  • Powder can be transferred to the product being handled, or leave unsightly marks.
  • Powder can spread infection and impede wounds healing (but we’re starting to get into the finer medical disadvantages of powdered gloves, and since these aren’t medical-grade gloves I think we’ll leave it there…!)

Anyway, getting back to the actual gloves! -  currently available in packs of 100 and in a range of sizes.


Latex Powder-Free Gloves - Blue
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from £0.00 All Prices ex VAT

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