Premium Heat Sealers and Cutters

High quality Pro-Seal heat sealers and cutters designed for maximum effectiveness and increased productivity with most plastics.

These premium grade heat sealers and cutters are a more heavy duty product in that they can work with most forms of plastics easily. This includes: polythene, polypropylene, PVC foil and a range of double coated materials. Designed to be easy to use and sleek to behold, these practical and efficient machines can increase overall productivity and reduce operator time in fast paced environments. Although similar in functionality to our economical range, this series of machines has two additional larger sizes including a 620mm and 820mm. 

These Pro-series heat sealers are for carrying out professional tasks that require versatility and reliable results. So although more expensive than other options, you get a lot for your money.

Premium Heat Sealers and Cutters
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from £216.50All Prices ex VAT

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