AirPouch Pillows - Standard Film 45 micron

The most popular void fill product within the APS range due to its strength, puncture resistance and consistent high quality.

Standard AirPouchTM film is one of the leading void-fill packaging solutions on the market. The pillows must be used in conjunction with an AirPouch machine which we can help with arranging. Begin enquiry here.

Typical Applications:

  • Mail order fulfilment.
  • Pharmaceutical fulfilment.
  • Third-party logistics.
  • Contract packaging/fulfilment.
  • Electrical & electronic products.
  • Automotive & appliance parts.
  • Cosmetics, health & beauty products.
  • Hobby & craft items.
  • Jewellery & novelty items.

All 'Automated Packaging Systems' bags are manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and the BRC/IOP Global Packaging Standard.

AirPouch Pillows - Standard Film 45 micron
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from £0.00 All Prices ex VAT

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