55ml Hexagonal Glass Jar

55ml Hexagonal Glass Jar

Our 55ml Hex Jar is a lovely little cute jar with a stylish hexagonal design which offers slightly better grip and a visual alternative to the more familiar round jar. This larger single portion serving makes it an ideal and elegant solution for only the finest B&B’s, hotels and guest houses who are aiming to fulfil their guests every need; how many times have you sat down for breakfast and realised that after one mouthful a single serving has disappeared! This is for those wishing to be more generous, where both quality and quantity make all the difference!

All jars come with gold lids as standard.

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from £36.10 All Prices ex VAT
55ml Hexagonal Glass Jar
Specification Batch Discount Purchase
CodeSizeDescriptionLid Diam.Priced In12-45+ QTY Total

All prices exclude VAT

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JAR55HEX 55ml 55ml Hex 43mm Batch ( 74 ) £42.00£37.20£36.10 £0.00
Height Without Lid 6.5cm
Inner Neck Diameter 3.3cm
Outer Neck Diameter 3.8cm
Neck Height 1.3cm
Middle Diameter 4.2cm
Base Diameter 4.8cm

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